Wednesday, February 13, 2008

in regards to R/S

i really tot abt it many times..
a ton actually

you know..
when is my Mr Right coming?etc etc etc..

but reason to really think abt tat..who am i kindin?
i dun even understand why am i fretting in here
should i panic becos im still a dummy at r/s?

Happy Valentines to those LoveBirds out there thou..
for those who are single..
pray harder ba..
me supervisors bd is today..the one should be happy is her husband..
hitting 2 birds with one stone by celebrating 2 special days together..ha!

i felt that i would really would love a job that can let me travel around.. thinking even if its tiring and all..
i guess i would love a job like that
dun ask me why...
i just envy those whose work can let them travel.
my meaning of travelling is not from newton to pasir ris to orchard that kind...
its like from singapore to europe to aussie that kind hor...

49 words

touch/'>">Touch Typing


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