Monday, February 11, 2008

received quite alot during cny
ashamed to say,
gambled quite a bit...with my family..
through that..won quite abit too..
imagine he took out 500 bucks worth of 2 dollar notes...all eaten up by his children..quite a loss i might say..
overall was fun
but was a bit disappointed to know that we'll not be going back to malaysia..

shall share what i did for my new year

first day
went to visit 5 places in total
and then my family and i went to cathy to catch a movie..
dun play play lo...
still got quite a number of people there wor..
was surprised to see a crowd even..

second and third day..
slacked..i even forgot how i spent the 2 days..
jia lat..

fourth day...
chiong again...
went 5 places..wah
only one word to describe


but i like..ha!
and played mahjong!

fel si bei addicted to it liao...

for those who love her..
please do not get a mahjong table and a mahjong set for her birthday

ha jus kiddin..


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