Wednesday, October 3, 2007

there's a whole department one at all except for the temp staff...
hope they wun be back soon thou...
von von's birthday yesterday....wanted to upload the video of her feeding abigail....but no usb and everything in office....
too bad.....boy is she shocked!wahahahahaaha...wanted to kiss her de leh....
in the end.....she was so shocked that her whole face turned red....
and as a loving sista....i dun wanna add more colours to her face....

want to quit my job badly....
office work....
die lar!
my size is already very blessed liao......
God wants to add on to it......
jia lat..........
somemore pay so little until i really wanna scream.....
and all those who still owe me $$$$$.....pls return if u can....
msg me to inform me that u even REMEMBER that you have borrow money from me....
so to help me keep track......

having a biblical loanshark chasing her own debts ain't a nice sight!
want that loanshark to give u teaching on how to manage yourself finanically in the Kingdom Of God?
call the toll-free number:1900-i-need-help-888

now:watching a ang mo reading a book in straight...get that information rite....its just that im desk faces the swimming pool of Gallery hotel....God knows to bless me......what can i do?

loved the harry potter books....
cant help to read and re-read and re-read over again.......any other JK Rowling books u came upon....
please contact elizabeth loo jing min @ her mobile phone...
dunno her mobile phone....go repent!
wahahaha no la jus kidding...
email me at jiu ke yi......
im serious leh.....not joking.......


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