Monday, April 21, 2008

once as i was queuing up for Today's newspaper,
suddenly as people was walking past to get to the other side,
a lady just cut in front of me.

i suddenly just want to snap at her.

so i just said:hey,please go behind the line.
the lady:i was in the queue,but someone cut me.

piang...the devil in me almost came out.

people are not THAT blind to take it in that lightly.

i still do have a percentage of my brain that's being used for intelligence.

no blind~!

people dun queue for nothing,turn ya head and look behind la.if there are only 2 i dun even care.but there's a whole stretch leh~dun let me catch you again!

i admit there was once that i cut someone's queue.
thank god its only once though.


so not happy about that


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