Tuesday, December 18, 2007

SO excited!

haha....later going to have a white christmas with my colleagues...

hehe...we're having our christmas party at SNOW CITY!

is it cool or what....whahahaha!


was so stupid yesterday...went for school to find out yesterday wasn't the date but its supposed to be today...

few minutes later...i receive a sms from school to inform me that the class is cancelled....hai...

thank god for that...

so that i can enjoy my white christmas in peace...
not in worrying wat i've missed for class.....

i love my desk....haha
u couldn't believe how i decorated it...

i've a fake flower from xiuzhen in a vase that previously was occupied by roses...
real one de hor!
i've xiuzhen's pig....haha....2 stuff from xiuzhen....i make FULL use of presents given to me de hor!
i've got my brother's yellow elephant....
my dirty stuff dog from mini toons...
my cute tortoise from KL....see...not bad...flew overseas with me...so privileged...
caregroup's keychain dog....of which the chain broke....
my handphone holder....i dunno whats it called...its from mini toons de...its a soft toy de face...
my octopus radio...haha....recent merchandise...which am currently using...
and my chewing gum...
with a few erotic pictures...wahaha!

my supervisior said i got 'cute' taste...haha....
ohya....all the soft toys hor...imagine that i build it into a animal pyramid....

am doing well in work...
abit bored at times...
but i like the work...
its the travelling that is of a problem now...but i guess i'll get over it ba..ha..
so do email me at
if u got anything to share....im more then willing to reply IF im free...



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